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Keynote Speaker

Dr. Alana Cattapan
"Hands Clean: On Purity and Power in Biomedical Research."
Dr. Cattapan is a CIHR postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and an incoming Assistant Professor at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. She received her doctorate in Political Science from York University, focusing on Canadian politics, gender, reproductive health, and public policy. A longtime feminist researcher and activist, she studies women’s participation in health policy making, identifying links between the state, the commercialization of the body, biotechnologies, and reproductive labour. She is also collaborating on research initiatives related to gender, law, and public policy including projects on gender and public engagement, the regulation of reproductive technologies, and the engagement of commercial actors in Canadian public policy making.

This event is accessible, free, and everyone is welcome!
​And many thanks to the Dean of Arts, Neb Kujundzic, for co-sponsoring the speaker!
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